hr sbtu lepas aku ade order on9 brownies, sedaaaaaaaaap sgt.. aku order 1tray n aku terbang kn half tuk tunang tsayang kt kota tinggi nun.. sian die asik dgr aku mngunyah jek dlm phone kui3.. n kebetulan sbtu dpn 4hb cousin aku btunang, so jumaat ni pun aku nk order lg.. nk bwk blk serting bg cousin2 aku mratah.. smestinye dwg suke he3.. so korg2 yg suke brownies jom la try dis.. ade offer free delivery pick up (area subang n shah alam) n less 10% until 7july ni jek.. nk pos smpi dpn pintu pun bley.. hurry2 sblm korg mnysal.. brownies die mmg lazat n chewy, xmcm bese yg blemak like chocolate cake tu.. makin gemuk la aku jwbnye.. blk serting sok msti kne tiaw ngn dwg2 sume.. hohohoho..
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009

- an email (summary of your order) with payment details will be send to you once order received within 24hours
- then please make payment at least 50% from your total bill (cimb bank - cash deposit/online transfer)
to answer your purchasing questions, please kindly email to

Saturday, June 27, 2009
peluang pekerjaan gomen
hi guys.. jom rmi2 apply gomen.. kt bwh ni aku da senaraikan..
check it out~

- maktab kerjasama malaysia (MKM) 30/06/09
- perbadanan harta intelek malaysia (MIPC) 01/07/09
- perbadanan labuan 03/07/09
- kementerian pelancongan malaysia 03/07/09
- balai seni lukis negara (BSLN) 04/07/09
- suruhanjaya perkhidmatan awam neg. selangor (SPN) 06/07/09
- universiti kebangsaan malaysia (UKM) 06/07/09
- lembaga lebuhraya malaysia (LLM) 09/07/09
- kementerian kerja raya malaysia (JKRM) 10/07/09
- pihak berkuasa kemajuan pekebun kecil perusahaan getah (RISDA) 12/07/09
- unit perancang ekonomi negeri johor (UPENJ) 15/07/09
- majlis daerah kota tinggi (MDKT) 15/07/09
Friday, June 26, 2009
ta8 a rest.. my lalink dtg opis lg.. bakal adek ipar n bpk mertua pun ikut skali.. act my sis, umai tu da abes stadi kt nilai.. kolej legenda tmpt i stadi dlu gak.. di situ la detik2 ptemuan aku wif my lalink.. huhuhuhu.. so hrni dowg dtg amek sume stuff2 my sis kt kolej tu.. pastu td g mamam kt nasi kandar kayu kt tesco xtra jap.. then sempat lg snap pic kt dpn studio upin ipin.. mngulor je aku ni kan? xpe jap je.. so ade sesape nk offer job x? my sis ni stadi in business.. hnd je lom degree lg.. klu ade roger2 la ek.. ok la aku nk smbung kje blk ni.. daaaaaaaaa..
omg~ MJ dead at 50 (1958-2009)
akhirnye, smlm telah hilang sbuah lagenda rock dunia, michael jackson atau name islamnye, mikael jackson.. ikuti berita berikut.. klik di sini
In remembrance of Michael Jackson, take a trip down memory lane with these pics from the King of Pop's past. Young Michael burst on the scene at age of 11 as a member of the Jackson 5.

A woman breaks down outside of the hospital after hearing the news that the King of Pop has passed.
A makeshift shrine takes shape surrounding Michael's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
New Yorkers receive the news of Jackson's death in Times Square.
A throng descends upon the UCLA Medical Center courtyard in anticipation of a press conference.

More pictures~
celebrity photos
channel new asia
celebrity photos
channel new asia
Thursday, June 25, 2009
besh worker among da besh
mlm td bapakku pulang dari kerja.. bapakku bwk balik hamper.. hehehe.. kilang die mmg slalu cmtu, pemurah sgt lak.. mklum la nk bg naikkan semangat tuk kje.. cmtu la br besh.. tp record kne bersih la, xde ponteng2, xde wat hal.. br bley dpt huhu..
dapat bird nest siap ade price tag RM58.80 lg.. hahahha.. tp yg musykilnye xde logo halal la.. kalu da was2 kne la bg apek kt dpn umh yg minum.. hu3 rugi btol la.. tp xpe la nti bley cr yg halal punye.. bgs kalu dpt minum see this.. aku penah rs skali je, time tu my boss bg try 1 botol.. aku share ngn mak bpk aku.. xdpt nk rs sgt sbb share 3org kan tp cm jelly2 la.. nk tau try la sdrik.. so smlm gak la kami sume kejekan 'bende alah' tu.. my mum la yg paling semangat.. tgk la tu.. isk3.. mak sapa la ni.. =p

P/s: abh nti kje rajin2 lg ye.. nti bley dpt hamper lg.. hohoho
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
* hello kitty *
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Malaysia XI vs Manchester United (Ticket)
hi guys.. aku nk cari buyer ni.. aku ade 2keping tiket tuk sesape yg nk tgk live game Malaysia XI vs MU 18 july ni kt bkt jalil.. harga RM68x2.. aku tpakse cancel sbb ade hal2 yg xdpt dielakkan.. more details go to
P/s: plez roger me for reserve ticket n plez lay down half payment..TQ
P/s: plez roger me for reserve ticket n plez lay down half payment..TQ
*** reserve to mas shalina, half payment's done today 25july.. ~thanks sooo much~
Sunday, June 21, 2009

pastu kitrg g mkn kt kdai bwh then tewos pulang.. pas anto abh g kje, kitrg pun siap2 utk kuar jln2 cr mkn.. mlm tu kitrg dinner kt irc2u kt danau.. xde la lapo sgt sbb da ade org tsayang kt sisi kan? ala phm2 je la.. tp kitrg tibai kasi abes n licin gak.. xbaek mbazir tau.. ehehe..
pastu g jejalan jap cr ape yg patut.. die belikan jersi tuk beday mbe die, faka 20jun (yg penah nk ngorat mbe aku, yan tu la..) hehe.. hepi beday faka n swet 27th.. aku lak beli selai skirt labuh itam putih.. suke lak aku tgk rita rudaini selalu pki.. hehe.. aril ngn yazid pun ade tgh shoping kt situ.. kitrg smpi umh dlm kul 3pg.. esoknye pas amek abh dr tmpt kje kul 7pg, kitrg pau abh beli sarapan.. hohooho.. amek kesempatan nmpk.. then kitrg siap2 tuk berangkat ke cheras..

Friday, June 19, 2009
Astro :: Making Your Life Richer
today aku subscribe channel br.. cm besh je time aku tgk WARNA kt umh tunang aku last week.. tp yg xbeshnye astro ni suke rewind siaran yg same jek n total bill pun makin btambah la pasni.. xpe la bkn aku yg bayo pun.. ho3.. bsiap sedia utk ketawa.. kih3..

Astro CITRA Channel 131
Alami aneka seleksi filem blockbuster yg menawan hati
Astro WARNA Chanel 132
Ketawa tanpa henti dengan macam2 program komedi yg menggelikan hati
B4U Channel 133
Rasai kehangatan rempah-ratus barisan filem Bollywood popular
Alami aneka seleksi filem blockbuster yg menawan hati
Astro WARNA Chanel 132
Ketawa tanpa henti dengan macam2 program komedi yg menggelikan hati
B4U Channel 133
Rasai kehangatan rempah-ratus barisan filem Bollywood popular
Monday, June 15, 2009
Let's get your BRAIN to work !!
- If you find it in less than 3 seconds, your brain is developed above the normal brain.
- If you find it in a minute, you have a normal developed brain.
- If you find it between 1 and 3 minutes, your brain is responding slowly. Protein in-take might help.
- If it takes you more than 3 minutes, your brain is responding to slow and perhaps more exercise like this might help you to develop that part of your brain.
It is not a joke, the MAN is really there!
P/s: im normal..less than 3 second.. =p
thx to my fren, azlina isnin [] 4 da emel..
Friday, June 12, 2009
photo FUNIA
untuk santapan mata di ptg hari..
[sila click gmbr utk besar..]

hohohooh.. tu jekk edited choice yg mnarik di mata ku.. korg2 yg lom try tu silekan la men'try' kt sini yek.. senang je jz click n uploadkn gmbr ull.. smoge thibur..

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